Veronica Pavlicek

Young woman in a black sweater stands by a tree, looking joyful.

Position Title
Programming Didactic Assistant Coordinator


Veronica is a second year npb major and intends on becoming a physician. In her free time, you'll usually find her practicing the oboe or piano, or working on one of my many unfinished arts & crafts projects. She also enjoys going on runs and wandering around downtown Davis with friends.

What is your goal for this year's Conference?

My goal for this conference is to highlight some of the lesser-known careers in healthcare. The conference is not just for pre-medical students, and I hope that we are able to encourage attendees to explore fields they didn't even know existed.

What advice do you have for attendees?

Don't be afraid to ask questions, and most importantly, remember that we put this conference on for you! Take advantage of all the opportunities it provides to network with admissions officers and explore different fields, but keep in mind that it should also be an enjoyable experience.