Cici Zhai

Smiling woman in glasses, black sweater, standing by a tree.

Position Title
Marketing and Outreach Co-Coordinator


Cici is a third year Cell Biology major. She is passionate about working in the healthcare field and is currently studying to on the Pre-Medicine/Pre-Nursing path! Outside of the conference, Cici enjoys spending time with her cat also named Cheeto and loves watching Korean dramas or taking photos.

What is your goal for this year's Conference?

My goal for this year's Conference is to improve upon what we did last year. In terms of my role, I would like to make our social media, the Instagram or Website, more accessible and inclusive by making more reels to garner interactiveness. I'm also hoping to ensure we reach out about all of our resources and upcoming information, so that future health professions have as many opportunities they can have with our event.

What advice do you have for attendees?

My advice for attendees is to look over the program booklet on our Website one to two weeks before the event to find the workshops you want to attend before coming, so that you have a list of things you can go to, if a workshop is filled. My other advice is don't be shy to talk to other students about your journey. Maybe you'll find someone along the same path as you and you can talk about your experiences to help fill the holes of the other persons. Just have fun and make the most out of your buck!